I recently sent the following…

I recently sent the following letter to SI Kids. It speaks for itself.


Dear SI Kids,

I came home from work yesterday to the following question from my 8-year old: “How come Barry Bonds is on the cover of SI Kids? I thought he was in trouble for drugs.”

As you may or may not have heard, drugs, in general, are a big issue for parents and kids these days. Furthermore, parents with athletically minded children are having to cope with educating themselves and their kids on performance enhancing drugs. One of the hardest parts is helping kids understand that using drugs to get ahead in sports is bad for them, their team mates and the game.

Seemingly, this is news to SI Kids (though its a bit of a surprise given the recent articles in your parent publication, SI). Celebrating Barry Bonds in a children’s publication given the current evidence is beyond my imagination. (I won’t even mention your crimes against Willie Mays).

But since this obvious point has escaped your attention, I feel the need to pass along some other stories that I fear you may be considering for future issues. I hope that in considering these stories you will take into consideration the children who read your magazine and their parents. Please do not run the following stories:

  1. Pete Rose’s Great Hitting Career - “You Betcha!”

  2. Kobe’s Life Off the Court

  3. What Made Lawrence Taylor Tick?

  4. Muscle-building Tips of the WWE

  5. Any scenario involving Todd Bertuzzi in “You Make the Call”

Thank you.

David Douglas _